Make My Skyrim Character an Anime Girl

Make My Skyrim Character an Anime Girl

I love to explore the relationship between the fictional worlds we create for movies, books, games, etc. and the existent world.

Beauty is completely subjective, so here are few things you can do to create a 'Skyrim' character that is beautiful to you.

Dazzler is completely subjective, so hither are few things you can do to create a 'Skyrim' character that is cute to yous.

Skyrim and Character Customization

Arguably ane of the best features of Bethesda'due south role-playing games is the amount of command they give you lot to customize your character's appearance. This tutorial will assistance you lot understand your own personal definition of dazzler and what goes into creating good-looking characters.

Information technology might seem surprising that I spend so much fourth dimension on theory in this article instead of telling y'all where to set the sliders, but let's be honest: the sliders aren't the problem; what'due south preventing y'all from creating the characters you lot want is not the sliders or the presets, but a full general lack of awareness of what constitutes beauty for yous as an individual. With the right understanding and a bit of practice, you tin can make whatever Skyrim character much more attractive.

If You lot've Already Started Playing . . .

Take you already started playing but want to change how your character looks? If you are on PC, you can follow this guide to safely change your grapheme: How to Alter Your Appearance and Name. (Just don't endeavour irresolute their race!)

Your character's appearance is an important element in establishing immersion in RPGs.

Your character's appearance is an important chemical element in establishing immersion in RPGs.

Why Advent Matters

Character customization is non a trivial feature in a role-playing game. In a linear game where you play as a character created by a writer and follow that grapheme'southward progress, your bond is formed through the story. A good writer can help y'all identify with the character through sympathy, well-written dialogue, and ordinarily shared values.

In a office-playing game, where the developers let you to create your own graphic symbol and write your ain story, they tin can't count on a author to create your identification with any detail viewpoint. They take given up some (just non all) command over to y'all and your grapheme.

You lot must learn to identify with your avatar, at least in part, by customizing your grapheme'southward appearance. By being able to create the graphic symbol you envision, you are able to take something from your imagination and place it in the world created past the developers. You participate in that world. This participation creates an instant bond of identification and is a principal ways of immersion. If you have trouble creating exactly the kind of character that you desire to create, it can cause a loss of immersion.

One of the characteristics that many people imagine their characters possessing is not bad physical beauty. Who doesn't want to be able to play a character who is not but physically or mentally superior to their ordinary selves, but also much amend looking? If you have trouble creating beautiful characters in Skyrim, this guide volition evidence you lot a few things that you can do to increment your ability to model the characters of your dreams. First off, hither are a few tips and tricks.

Graphic symbol Cosmos: Tips and Trips

Understanding dazzler requires both observational skills and an understanding of theory, which will be discussed below. That's pretty much all you need in lodge to create more attractive characters. Still, here are a few applied tips that will help you become started:

  • Sliders: For a quick, piece of cake, conventionally beautiful appearance, set all of the sliders decision-making the shape and size of a characteristic to the middle and slide all of the textures to the left. This volition give you a well-proportioned character with a skillful complexion. This can serve as a good template for making changes. You'll still have to pick an appealing nose, optics and lips, only leaving all of your sliders in the middle will generally eliminate odd stretching. For some people, this will be enough. This works with all races.
This character uses the Nord 2 preset with sliders pushed to the middle.

This character uses the Nord 2 preset with sliders pushed to the middle.

  • Start Out Bald: Get rid of the hair. When you outset creating your graphic symbol, ready the hairstyle to bald or shaved. This volition let you to focus on the features without being distracted by extraneous details. A expert looking graphic symbol will look good with whatever kind of hair, so don't worry about it before yous take to.
  • Offset With a Make clean Face up: For the same reason, get rid of the war paint, scars and make-up. Like pilus, these elements will just distract you from your primary objective. Go out them until the stop.
  • De-Emphasize Orc Features: Orcs are distinguished by their overemphasized jaws, noses and brows, and then to make them 'more attractive' to humans, you want to tone those features down. For females, you want to outset their masculinity past giving them more than delicate features. Most of the time, if you want to brand a non-human face more attractive to you, every bit a human being, brand the features more human.
Orcs and Elves are best handled by minimizing the differences between their given features and human features.

Orcs and Elves are best handled by minimizing the differences betwixt their given features and homo features.

  • Decide on Man vs. Animal: For creature races, start past deciding whether y'all desire something on the 'human' pole of the spectrum or the 'animal' pole. If you desire a more than homo-looking character, eliminate exaggerated features. If you desire a more creature-like character, exaggerate features. Drawing out the nose is usually a good way to make them more animal-like. The beast races (Argonians and Khajiit) are different plenty from human being faces that I can't actually offering whatever good suggestions beyond that; whether or non a cat-person or lizard-person is 'cute' is highly subjective.
  • Be Particular With Elves: For elves, widen the face up, shorten the chins and pick smaller eyes and noses. Elven faces tend to be long and thin with exaggerated features (big eyes, long noses) which business relationship for their unique appearance. Elves and orcs nowadays special problems because they are similar enough to humans that their unusual geometry can hands pb to the creation of ugly characters, just not different plenty (like the beast races) to be left to whimsy. Honestly, these are the hardest races to 'get right' (though see my screenshots for a few examples of 'improve' and 'worse'). The nighttime elves, in particular, are hard to make bonny owing to an undesirable accent on 'bags under the optics'. (You tin can correct this with a mod on the Skyrim Nexus if they carp you. See the adjacent department.)

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Some races have features that are difficult to modify. Male High Elves, for example, have pronounced chins and eyebrows. In cases like these, you have to build your character around existing limitations.

Some races have features that are difficult to alter. Male High Elves, for example, have pronounced chins and eyebrows. In cases like these, y'all take to build your graphic symbol around existing limitations.

  • Don't Be Besides Idealistic: Don't try to create that 'ideal face up' on your outset attempt. Accept some fourth dimension to get comfortable with the sliders.
  • Don't Be Afraid of Abrupt Contrast: Don't be afraid to push the sliders to the farthermost. Sometimes certain features only go well-divers when contrasted sharply with others.
  • Call back About Race: Choice a race that provides the kind of presets you want. This really depends on which is more important to you: your race or your advent. You tin create a beautiful character in whatsoever race, but if at that place is a very specific await y'all are going for, you may want to choose the race that has the closest-matching preset. Nords tend to have very angular jaws, Imperials tend to have squarer jaws and Bretons tend to accept very round features.
You can play to or play with racial stereotypes. With this character, I tried to do both: give her both a 'classic' Dark Elf feel and a unique look.

You tin play to or play with racial stereotypes. With this character, I tried to do both: give her both a 'classic' Dark Elf feel and a unique look.

  • Pay Attention to Petty Details: At the same time, beautiful faces are more than often created in inches than miles. Once you lot have a general shape that you like, often all it takes to take a face from average to extraordinary is a large number of small tweaks.
  • Go Like shooting fish in a barrel on Facial Cosmetics. When it comes to war paint and makeup, very often, less is more. Subtle tones tend to provide softer, more natural appearances. That doesn't mean there's never a time or identify for assuming colors, but they should exist reserved for creating striking effects, not used as a manner to brand your character 'better looking'.
  • Footstep Away From Your Cosmos: Sometimes, in the heat of inspiration we lose our objectivity and a face that seems original and inspiring at the moment of cosmos is oft too extreme for u.s.a. to appreciate when nosotros sit down down to part-play the following day. Generally, if y'all wait a day after creating your character, you volition take plenty perspective to correct any over-exuberant choices you made. Obviously, this only works if yous can edit your character later as PC users can. If you are on a console, I recommend you wait an hr before finalizing your grapheme. Get upwards, do something else for a while and so become back to it. Even an hr tin make a huge difference. If it seems like a hassle, but recollect: you might be playing this character for hundreds of hours. One hour isn't going to impale you and will pay off handsomely. (Pun intended.)
Beauty is highly subjective. Don't let pop culture define it for you. My current character is beautiful, scars and all.

Beauty is highly subjective. Don't let pop culture ascertain it for you lot. My current character is beautiful, scars and all.

The Subjectivity of Beauty

This might seem like strange communication, but an important place to start is getting to know your personal definition of dazzler. Don't presume that you already know what you like. You may know who you retrieve is bonny, just think nearly why you think they're attractive. Many people are much less consciously aware of what they find attractive than they think they are.

Pop civilization promotes all sorts of stereotypes virtually concrete beauty. Big optics and full lips, for example, are often exaggerated in cartoons to denote female beauty. These features are, indeed, attractive on many women for many people; but practise the people you lot notice attractive actually possess these characteristics?

When I first started studying faces, I was surprised by how often my preconceptions (what I thought I idea was cute) failed to lucifer my observations (what actually attracted my involvement). As a teenager, I had e'er assumed that big optics and full lips were what I found attractive in women, and that women who possessed these features would be more than bonny to me. When I sat down and started comparison features I discovered, much to my surprise, that many of the women I establish most attractive possessed neither of these features. In fact, many of them had smaller than boilerplate eyes and lips.

The bespeak of this personal chestnut: If you don't know what you actually find bonny, you may be customizing your characters to lucifer your preconceptions instead of your desires. This doesn't mean that these features are united nationsattractive—the characters you lot make following your preconceptions volition no doubt even so exist attractive to you—but they volition lack that special quality that you acquaintance with beauty and volition neglect to alive up to your expectations.

Studying a wide range of faces will help you refine your understanding of what it means to be beautiful.

Studying a wide range of faces will help you lot refine your agreement of what information technology ways to be beautiful.

How Practice YOU Ascertain Beauty?

To create a truly cute grapheme, you must discover your ain personal definition of beauty.

  1. Look at Pictures: The best fashion to practice this is to find pictures of many different men or women that you find bonny and starting time taking notes. Try to go pictures that bear witness them looking straight forward, contour views and three-quarter views.
  2. Pay Attending to the Frontal View: Study the shape of the caput from the front. Is it round, foursquare, rectangular, oval? Is the chin pointed or flat? How broad are their jaws? Does the jaw slope steeply from the chin to the base of the ear, or is it flat and square? Notice how the slope of the jaw from the side view affects the shape of the jaw from the forepart. A steep, sloping jaw will consequence in a more triangular advent for the chin from the front.
  3. Find the Cheekbones: What well-nigh the cheekbones? Are they high or low? Are they broad or narrow? Are they prominent or subdued? Loftier cheekbones are another one of those cultural stereotypes. They are beautiful on many people, but there are many equally cute people who have rather undefined cheeks.
  4. Forehead Size Matters As well: Also, observe the size of the forehead. The forehead is one of those areas that no one notices unless something looks 'off.' Skyrim doesn't really requite y'all any control over this, but is useful to know nearly.
  5. Don't Forget About Facial Features: At present, pay attention to facial features. Now that you've examined the broad, framing elements of the confront, let's take a expect at the features that tend to become the most notice: eyes, noses and mouths. (Skyrim doesn't give you any control over your ears, so nosotros won't fifty-fifty go there.)
    • Eyes: Practise the people y'all find attractive have large or small optics? Do their optics slant upwardly or down as they arroyo the nose? How near equally they approach the edge of the face? Are they spaced close together or far autonomously? Exercise they sit high, close to the brow, or low? Are they deep-set, or bulging?
    • Nose: What shape of the nose is most attractive to you? Is the bridge shallow or deep? Is it straight, curved or hooked? Is the nose long or short? Does information technology extend down close to the lips, or is it more petite? Is the tip of the nose rounded or pointy? Are the nostrils broad or narrow? Practice they have a tilt? Noses are wonderfully complex shapes and a slap-up source of interest in a face. Unfortunately, they are too very hard to become correct. Skyrim doesn't give you a lot of control over specific features (not as much as Oblivion) simply it is nonetheless expert to know what you are looking for so you lot can find the best match from the available options.
    • Mouth/Lips: Mouths can be simply as complex as noses. Information technology'south not as simple as just bigger or smaller. Lips come in a wide variety of shapes, so it's a good idea to take a careful look at the shapes that you like. Some lips are long and thin, others curt and pouty. Very often, i lip hangs out farther than the other. One may be total while the other thin. Many have svelte curves but many are almost formless. The advent of the lips in Skyrim is controlled by three sliders: Oral fissure Shape, Oral fissure Frontward and Chin Frontward, which controls the overbite/underbite. Like the nose, Skyrim doesn't give you a lot of command over the way your character's mouth appears, only understanding the different shapes will help you pick one that works.

Studying facial anatomy volition help you identify the dissimilar features of an interesting face. Many of these features are customizable in the graphic symbol creation screen in-game. The ones that aren't will at least tell you why you tin can't create a certain wait that you're going for.

Note how different these profiles are. Studying profiles is a great way to lean how diverse beauty really is.

Notation how dissimilar these profiles are. Studying profiles is a neat fashion to lean how various beauty really is.

Balancing Features

One thing you lot will probably notice as you study these faces is that many of them take very different features. It might be hard for you lot to identify a single set of features that yous like. You may find that one person yous notice attractive may have features in direct opposition to the features of another, every bit attractive person. You may also find when you lot sit down to create your grapheme that certain features, which y'all observe attractive in isolation, don't piece of work very well when combined together. (I refer to this affectionately as the 'Frankenstein effect'.)

The Nord 2 preset is generally considered one of the best presets in the game. You can see why!

The Nord two preset is generally considered ane of the best presets in the game. Y'all tin run across why!

This happens because every face is divers not only past the private features that go into it, only by the balance or harmony that exists between them. If the balance is good, the face 'works' and is attractive to yous. If it doesn't, the face fails to be bonny even though it may possess attractive features. That's part of the reason why dissimilar people find dissimilar people attractive. Fortunately, when creating your grapheme, you only take to worry about pleasing one person: yourself.

How to Create a Well-Proportioned Face

  • Tweaking Features: If you think near the overall shape of a person's face as the canvas, you will detect that y'all need to make the individual elements that yous accept selected as attractive work inside the confines of this surface. Big eyes and big lips won't piece of work together on a face that is the wrong shape—there simply won't exist plenty room and the face will look cartoony. The same matter can happen if you lot cull features that are too minor. Merely combining 2 very different features, for example, very big eyes with very small lips, tin can consequence in as odd results.
  • Finding a Remainder: A sure harmony has to be between these features. Choosing larger eyes, for example, may require that you lot choose slightly larger lips and a slightly larger nose to provide balance. However, depending on the size and shape of the caput, yous may discover that this doesn't work, and you might take to scale the eyes downwards slightly to get a good issue. (Skyrim doesn't let you scale the eyes--or many other features--direct like y'all could in Oblivion, unfortunately, and then oft your only choice is to choose different eyes.)

Balancing features is a very iterative action. Every time you lot adjust something, y'all'll find that you accept to accommodate something else to arrange it. Oftentimes, the only difference betwixt an okay face up and a beautiful confront is a few small tweaks.

This character uses navetsea's Female Face Retexture. I find navetsea's works well for wrinkles, but is overkill for Nords (who have no wrinkles to speak of).

This character uses navetsea's Female Confront Retexture. I notice navetsea's works well for wrinkles, simply is overkill for Nords (who have no wrinkles to speak of).

Pushing Polys

Too much tweaking, yet, tin can result in something I call 'mannequin face': afterwards hours of tweaking, the face no longer looks homo, but like a mask or some sort of creepy doll. When this happens, I sometimes have to commencement all over again from scratch.

A good way to avoid mannequin face is to become to know how the different sliders piece of work and how different features piece of work together before you sit down to create your masterpiece.

  • Again, Sympathize Balance: Mannequin face is often a outcome of failing to understand balance, and how the dissimilar sliders interact. If you widen the jaw, it'southward going to have an affect on how the mouth looks, and probably the eyes as well because it's going to affect the relationship between them. The same thing happens when you conform the cheekbones. Nothing exists in isolation.
  • Everything Is Continued: By the same token, because a head mesh is composed of a limited number of polygons, if you stretch one surface area of the face, it'south going to have an impact on some other area. In Oblivion, this impact could be quite significant, and information technology was very like shooting fish in a barrel to create grotesque monstrosities at the push of a slider. In Fallout 3, Bethesda corrected this past creating presets and reducing the number of sliders. The result was less control over the final advent of your character, but information technology also made it much, much harder to create an ugly avatar.

Skyrim uses basically the same organization as Fallout 3. In Skyrim, it is relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to create an attractive character, but yous accept somewhat less freedom than you had in Oblivion. Yet, since the head meshes utilize more polys, even without all of the control of Oblivion, most of your characters are going to look improve, and look closer to what you imagine. Many of the presets in Skyrim, in fact, are fine simply the way they are. But it is always possible to create more attractive characters past learning how to use the sliders.

The Dark Elf 1 preset before and after tweaking.

The Night Elf i preset before and after tweaking.

The Makeover Challenge

Ane good way to acquire how to utilize the sliders is to experiment with features you lot don't typically find attractive. Pick a feature that y'all wouldn't ordinarily choice and try to make a beautiful face that includes that characteristic. This takes the focus abroad from creating some abstract ideal and places information technology on learning how to balance different features. After doing this a few times, you volition probably find that you tin create a cute character using any feature.

If you really desire to exam yourself and abound every bit a face sculptor, I recommend you endeavour the Makeover Challenge: pick the ugliest preset you lot can find in the game and turn it into something beautiful.

I've done that here with three faces Nighttime Elf ane (above), Wood Elf 9 (beneath) and one of the Orc presets (below).

The Wood Elf 9 preset before and after customization.

The Forest Elf 9 preset before and after customization.

The Woods Elf 9 preset is, in my opinion, the ugliest preset in the game. Many of the less attractive presets are simply wrinkled and easy fix with a quick tug on the Complexion slider. The Woods Elf ix preset, however, looks more than similar a wooden mask than a living character. (To exist honest, I'm surprised by some of the presets they've included and tin simply assume that they accept intentionally made them unattractive to encourage you to customize them. It certainly worked on me!)

Before and after customizing one of the default Orc presets. No preset prevents you from creating a great-looking character.

Before and later customizing i of the default Orc presets. No preset prevents y'all from creating a great-looking grapheme.

Engaging in these kinds of experiments will assist you refine your skill with the sliders and volition teach y'all almost many different kinds of beauty. More chiefly, they may lead to some fresh and surprising characters that y'all would otherwise never have discovered.

This face combines diffuse and specular maps from one mod with normal maps from another.

This face combines lengthened and specular maps from one modern with normal maps from another.

Dazzler Mods

If you're playing on PC, you can improve the advent of your characters in significant ways by downloading mods.

Most beautification mods use file replacement to attain their effects: replacing the diffuse, normal, or specular maps, for example. Some use other techniques, like making all eyes or hair available to every race.

A not bad place to detect mods is the Skyrim Nexus. In particular, I recommend the following:

  • Detailed Faces, past Xenius: Increases the resolution of the diffuse maps.
  • High-Quality Optics, past Xenius: Replaces the diffuse maps used for the eyes. Makes a much bigger difference to your character's appearance than you might think.
  • Detailed Lips, by Xenius: Increases the particular in the lips.
  • No More Blocky Faces, by Xenius: Improves the normal map by removing pinch artifacts in the original files.
  • Detailed Bodies, by Xenius: Increases the resolution of the trunk textures. Easily and shoulders, for example, volition look much crisper.
  • Beauty Faces for Females, by necKros: Replaces the female person face textures. An culling to Detailed Faces.
  • Less Harsh Elves, by Amanda LaPalme: Removes the wrinkles and numberless under the optics from elves.
  • Better Females, by Bella: This is a skin replacer. Proficient if you want your characters to look a niggling more glamorous.
  • Younger Females, past Chanon: This is another pare replacer. Removes about of the lines in the faces without making the skin expect as well airbrushed. Gives women a softer expect.
  • Proporsia, by Zonzai: Proporsia is a graphic symbol salve with proportions prepare to 'scientific' standards of beauty and includes slides showing the relative proportions of each characteristic. This can be a useful tool if y'all want to empathize the mathematical mean of dazzler. Don't forget that these proportions are based on statistical averages. They don't ascertain beauty, per se. Many very good-looking people vary tremendously from these averages.

The characters in the screenshots in this thread use Beauty Faces for Females, Detailed Bodies, Detailed Lips, High-Quality Eyes and No More than Blocky Faces.

Complementary colors can help give your character's a more 'put together' look. Notice the eyes, lips and war paint.

Complementary colors can help give your character'south a more 'put together' look. Notice the optics, lips and war paint.

Requite Your Character 'Graphic symbol'

This is the fun part, where you get to play with things like scars, clay, state of war paint, hair and makeup. Use these tools to requite your graphic symbol a personal history, social class and attitude.

And don't forget to give them character! Sometimes the deviation between like and love is a pocket-sized imperfection that gives a person'south face individuality and history and makes them memorable.

The airbrushed models you see in magazines are certainly beautiful, but they also oft seem to have the personality of cardboard. For me, the absence of imperfection is the absence of character. Don't be agape to take your perfect character and add some minor flaw to requite them life and brand them feel more than existent. Make the lips a little smaller or the brows a footling lower. This small-scale, subtle difference can brand the departure between a grapheme y'all like to look at, and a grapheme you lot similar to spin a tale with. Remember, these details are the best way to capture a graphic symbol's mood or attitude!

Can you identify this celebrity? Probably not. It doesn't look anything like her. 'Skyrim' sliders can be used to achieve good results, but don't expect miracles.

Tin you identify this celebrity? Probably not. It doesn't wait annihilation like her. 'Skyrim' sliders can be used to achieve good results, but don't expect miracles.

CG Jargon: Place and Solve Problems

Knowing a bit nearly the different files that go into making a game character can help y'all place issues and select advisable mods to address them.

Here'due south a quick run-downwardly of the biggies:

  • Head Mesh: This is the 3d polygon mesh that determines the shape of the head. Different races use different head meshes: humans and Argonians, for example, accept differently shaped heads, which is what makes their features so strikingly different.
  • Diffuse Map/Texture: The diffuse map or texture (likewise known as a colour or base map or texture) provides the head mesh with colour, like wrapping paper effectually a box or paint on a sculpture.
  • Normal Map: The normal map controls how smooth or bumpy the face up appears, and is used to simulate things like wrinkles, bags under the eyes, scars, etc. Normal maps can exist identified by their primarily bright blue advent.
  • Specular Map: The specular map controls how shiny the surface of an object appears. Specular maps are of import for simulating man skin, which has a wide range of shiny and irksome patches beyond its surface. Specular maps can be identified past their primarily black and white appearance.

When you're playing Skyrim, the engine uses all of these dissimilar files (along with a few others) to determine how to render your grapheme's appearance. As you can see, character models tin be quite complex!

By request, another male character! This is my current 'Skryim' character, Loric. I'm using him for a 'vanilla' playthrough with the Stormcloaks and Companions. You can find the slider settings for Loric and other characters on my website.

By request, some other male character! This is my current 'Skryim' character, Loric. I'yard using him for a 'vanilla' playthrough with the Stormcloaks and Companions. You can find the slider settings for Loric and other characters on my website.

Character Resource

If you lot really can't get the look yous're going for and you're on PC, you lot tin always endeavor downloading a save game created by someone else. The Skyrim Nexus has a whole category devoted to it with almost 500 saved games (there will probably exist thousands by next year).

If you have a specific wait yous're going for, I might exist able to provide some advice, or fifty-fifty have a request. Just shoot me an email or mail service a comment beneath!

General Tullius on August 02, 2022:

I don't find whatever people as well attractive, let alone in Skyrim. I practice similar this ane person, who ruled over Roman empire dorsum in the day, and would like to make myself expect similar... well, more like him. Anyone know who I'1000 talking about?

Curtis on July 18, 2022:

For females, y'all can e'er brand your characters look better past using Coverwomen or Amend Females forth with Optics of Dazzler and Demoniac. A peel mod is good as well. These mods coupled with the advice from this commodity makes a perfect graphic symbol.

Khajiit on May 03, 2022:

Khajiit has wares

If y'all got coin...

yeeted on April 21, 2022:

how to make character with the scars on mentum?

GabrielSantosMariano on March 17, 2022:

Add your annotate...

Pandora on December 24, 2017:

This was a very interesting read and incredibly detailed. Thank you for writing this!

Gamer Daughter plaz skyrim on December 16, 2017:

Thank you for your help

Ced Yong from Asia on March xvi, 2016:

I fussed over this for hours when I started Skyrim. And then actually restarted the game, and considered restarting Once again, only considering I thought my grapheme was ugly.

Eventually I concluded, about builds look ugly. Rugged, tough, but ugly. :P

Rui Carreira from Torres Novas on January 05, 2016:

Mods :p Mods all the way!

Avert the creepy ones though, plenty of those around. And no, Khajit aren't meant to exist kawaii.

Alfie Lee on December 24, 2015:

Thank you for this astonishing tutorial! It'due south super detailed and brimming with creativity! Astonishing stuff!

Sp4rk5 on Oct 18, 2015:

Hopefully this thread is however agile. First of all, wonderful article cheers! I was wondering if yous could please provide the slides for your showtime female? (Seen again next to Nord 2) I only cant get her olfactory organ right:(

nipster on June 05, 2015:

Wow just wow. This is inventiveness on a whole new level. The possibilities are endless.

JaneD on September 23, 2014:

I have a request for graphic symbol sliders, but how exercise I electronic mail information technology to you lot?

Khamos on June 07, 2014:

But what if I similar the elves expect already?

I actually adopt a more alien look and so the pretty human with pointed ears look. I don't retrieve they added the presents in to make yous want to customize them, though I always tweak each character, rather they're merely trying to move away from the standard image of elves which has frankly worn itself nigh completely out.

Simply if you want the generic elf look, theres at least a dozen mods you can employ. The all-time part of this game is the modability, assuasive you lot to non simply customize your graphic symbol, but the entire game.

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on Apr 07, 2014:

@copper9lives: I'k glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment. :)

copper9lives on April 06, 2014:

I just stumbled on your commodity, and information technology was eloquent, thoughtful, insightful, and beautifully written (pun intended). I signed upward for Hubpages specifically to tell you so. Thanks very much for this — this is philosophically the antidote to the beauty manufacture, and something that might benefit teenagers to read, to get more than enlightened of what they're absorbing from modern media. Thanks!

hidudes on March 17, 2014:

thanks that really helped :D

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on March x, 2014:

I'd requite you lot a link, merely HubPages is weird about overlinking, so I'll give you directions: go to the top of the article; in the box that says 'Slider Database' follow the link that says "database of slider settings for non-player characters from Skyrim"; that will take you to my site. On the sidebar on the correct on my spider web site, follow the graphic link to the War Baby folio. All her settings are on that folio; just scroll down and when you get to her picture, click the thumbnails.

hidudes on March 09, 2014:

I could really use the sliders for the girl where it says this on the lesser of her pic Studying a wide range of faces will help y'all refine your understanding of what it ways to be beautiful.

Source: Personal screenshot

dotdot on March 09, 2014:

im trying to copy the girl where it says this on the bottom of the picture Studying a wide range of faces will assist you refine your understanding of what it means to be beautiful.

Source: Personal screenshot

torrilynn on December 20, 2013:

I never actually played Skyrim before just it seems like an crawly alternate video game world to be apart of. Extensive information and very useful. Voted up.

Adrian Cloute from Cedartown, GA on August 26, 2013:

This is one thing that I accept had a struggle with. I call up that this is the best game but it's so hard to become a skillful looking graphic symbol.

Woolie from E Coast Canada on July 19, 2013:

Cool... With Skyrim, I honestly took 2 hours constructing my dark elf. I liked the "get rid of extraneous features - or features that detract from your focus" good plan. Well written, and like shooting fish in a barrel to follow. Well done!

lifeintheworld from The Globe on July 10, 2013:

AMAZING :) Love this game.

Cinalu on June 06, 2013:

Do you take the sliders for the makeover challenge wood elf? She'southward amazing! I'm on xBox so did you use mods to create her? (although I'm pretty certain yous did because no bosmer can accept bright yellow-orange eyes...)

Kaomi on May 03, 2013:

As always, those posts talk a lot well-nigh creating beautiful female char, but where the heck are the black-haired tenebrous slim, tall and stiff handsome male for us, girl players ? T.T

Kyle Fawkes on April 25, 2013:

I took it upon myself as a claiming to make an bonny Orc female. To my own surprise, I succeeded.

Baton on February 21, 2013:


Can y'all please create a really fierce looking khajit possibly with a black/white mix coat?

Chris on January 04, 2013:

How do you create a good looking male imperial?

Popcorn:) on Dec 01, 2012:

What no khajits? (racist)

M on November 15, 2012:

I couldn't notice Loric slider settings amid the NPC characters on your website.

TheIncomingWave on Nov xiii, 2012:

Hey, I would similar to know how to make a character (Women) Nord or any human race that would look like Kate Upton

loric on Nov 05, 2012:

tin can I know whtas your website? and where loric is? i did non discover him in nexus. cheers from VeryFluffy4 (nexusname)

John Mallette on October 19, 2012:

Hey this is an amazing article, and I am very happy that your thoughts have been shared. I just made an amazing dark elf chichi, and you mentioned adding a backstory to characters, I ever commencement with the story idea and make a character around information technology. Lately tho I make them kinda out of whim (like the dark elf) and I made a character to look similar Sam Byrne from gears of war 3. She turned out pretty good. If you ever feel similar making a character wait like Sam, that'd be something I'd like to run across. All in all I really liked what you had to say, and your mentioning of examining what makes someone attractive to you was smashing. Really made me await at it differently! Cheers over again!

Brann on October 09, 2012:

Nevermind, institute the War dogs page :)

Brann on October 09, 2012:

Hey mate, how to create a male High Elf like the ane you portrayed hither?

Bumps on October 07, 2012:

I would love to attempt creating a beautiful grapheme for each race and gender, since i'd want to play as a stereotype of each race, as well equally unique personalities type matter. God that would be a lot of work... This is my objective! I want to attain information technology without somebody getting suspicious XD

Matt on September fifteen, 2012:

Splendid article. I'k a serial re-roller, and often spend an hour or more on character cosmos; it's good to see somebody else putting as much idea into the process!

One thing I found helpful to accustom myself with the sliders was trying to create the faces of actual people. Leonidas was my greatest creation, merely once I'd done a few I'd really Got to grips with the mechanics backside information technology all.

GwiZMo on September 05, 2012:

Can yous make a female person khajiit?

Luni on Baronial 11, 2012:

This was really really helpful for me, thank you very very much. I can't even tell you lot how many times I've saturday in woe over how bad I am at creating bonny characters in cosmos, regardless of the game. I realise now that having a path is the best, but to make sure I don't get fed upward with how my graphic symbol is not turning out the way I desire them to, attractive or non. I'yard going to go through some of your other articles too - you lot've put a lot of thought into it. Thanks!

taylor on Baronial 02, 2012:

So many wow's lol, this is a good commodity and you put a lot of work into it. Good Job~ :b I've found this helpful in more ways than one.

j-u-i-c-eastward (writer) from Waterloo, On on July 07, 2012:

@dsfds: Hither's a quote from my article, which I presume you read: "When I sat downwardly and started comparison features I discovered, much to my surprise, that many of the women I found about attractive possessed neither of these features. In fact, many of them had smaller than average eyes and lips."

Yep, I'm aware of dissimilar standards of beauty. Information technology's one of the main reasons why I wrote the article. The screenshots are meant to illustrate specific concepts and many of the characters are based on vanilla characters where I haven't changed the size of the lips at all. The other characters practise not all accept 'huge' lips, similar the blonde Orc, who has pocket-sized lips for her race, or accept 'huge' lips for a reason, similar the Loftier Elf, who was designed to appear soft and feminine specifically because it's a hard look to produce for a High Elf. The Redguard has fairly average size lips for her features. The Nord ii preset, which appears in a few places, is a stock vanilla caput. I just used it as an example because it happens to be the most pop preset. The screenshots are non meant to exist representative of 'beauty', which, as the commodity mentions in several places, is dependent on personal sense of taste; those images merely happened to be useful to me.

It's good to know that y'all have a keen eye for this sort of matter. It will serve y'all well.

@TaYLoR x PiRaTeS: Real people are virtually incommunicable to create with the stock avails. You lot have to be lucky enough to find a real person with features that are near identical to the scattering of features bachelor in the game. It was easier to duplicate real people in Oblivion considering y'all could command the shape of the face up much more precisely. It was likewise much harder to use, which is why they simplified it for Skyrim. Anybody tin can create an attractive character in Skyrim, but it was really adequately hard to practise with Oblivion. Y'all really had to be a bit of an artist to do it.

TaYLoR x PiRaTeS on July 06, 2012:

I can tell yous worked difficult on this dude

Lol i was then inspired i tried to make Victoria Justice Just it was Impossible for me :(

dsfds on July 05, 2012:

Virtually (or all) of your women characters that you screenshot accept huge lips. You know in that location is beauty in thinner lips. Holy crap dude.

j-u-i-c-e (writer) from Waterloo, On on July 04, 2012:

@TaYLoR x PiRaTeS: Information technology's really supposed to exist Dianna Agron. She was my first request for a celebrity. I've made a few since so, and none of them look like the people they're supposed to look like. It's hard to appreciate but how much small details influence a person's appearance. If each feature is off by even a little bit, information technology won't look like the person you're trying to model. The best y'all can hope for is a family resemblance. Also, the way faces are created in Skyrim, the optics that friction match best won't necessarily be uniform with the nose or mouth that match best since each feature changes the surrounding geometry a little bit. Sometimes you accept to choose between unabridged characteristic sets instead of just picking the best lucifer in each feature. Some faces fit the existing features better than others, of course, which is why the Conan grapheme is so popular. :)

TaYLoR x PiRaTeS on July 03, 2012:

The function where he says try Nd guess this celeberity it kinda looks like Britanny Spears. Doesn't information technology?

j-u-i-c-due east (author) from Waterloo, On on June 29, 2012:

@toomuchmint: Knowing is half the battle. In one case you understand how faces work and know what you lot like it'southward a lot easier to create bonny characters and the frustration levels get way down. Thanks for reading.

@skyrimdude: One does non simply make a Boromir tutorial! Some twenty-four hour period I may get effectually to making some of the LOTR characters. If I do, they'll testify upward on my spider web site. Once you accept slider settings, the tutorial is moot. This article should aid people who don't accept slider settings, though.

skyrimdude on June 27, 2012:

Could you make a Boromir tutorial? Also an Aragorn one would exist interesting equally I had a pretty good attempt at him and would similar to see how yours is different.

toomuchmint on June 26, 2012:

Voted up and interesting! I usually give up on grapheme design or go with a random selection of slider choices. Your tips are a dandy help in putting idea into the design process without getting incredibly frustrated that things aren't turning out right. Cheers for sharing!

j-u-i-c-e (writer) from Waterloo, On on June 25, 2012:

@hg: Well, here'due south my current character: Loric. (Wait up.)

hg on June 24, 2012:

make more human males

j-u-i-c-east (author) from Waterloo, On on June 24, 2012:

@skyrim_ : Follow the truancyfactory link under Character Resources and click the War Baby link on the sidebar. Tabanaryl is a modified version of that character (different hair, and coloring, mostly.)

@Skyelou: The biggest deviation between PC and console is the skin texture, which comes in a college resolution on PC. This tends to make the characters await a few years younger. At that place's cypher I can do near that, unfortunately.

I don't remember I could tell yous anything that I haven't already said in this article. Study faces you similar so you know what it is y'all like about them, and and so practice recreating those features until you become good at it. There'south no clandestine, really; the problem most people have is that they aren't really witting of what they actually like, so instead of creating characters they genuinely find attractive, they try to create characters they think they should find attractive.

If you're no good at using the sliders, this usually means you overemphasize or underemphasize features: if yous're a boy creating a female person grapheme, y'all make the eyes and lips also big and make the jaw and olfactory organ as well pocket-sized and make the eyebrows also high or otherwise exaggerate what you think is feminine instead of copying what you actually see in people you find attractive. This happens because you absorb a huge amount of stylized impressions of female faces through the media. It might be that the women you find bonny in real life actually accept small eyes or prominent noses or wide jaws, only if you lot don't study a lot of faces and compare features y'all might never know that. (Typically, yous'll find that you like different combinations of features and have more than 1 'type'.) If this describes you, yous probably find that your female characters expect freakish in some manner. Yous're probably correct. If real people had drawing proportions, they would look freakish in real life.

If you lot're skillful at using the sliders, on the other hand, merely don't know what you actually similar, y'all end up with enough of dull, carbon-copy Barbie and Ken dolls that don't really inspire you but that everyone else finds attractive. You may 'know' what perfect proportions are, but y'all don't know what you yourself actually notice bonny. I uncertainty it'due south perfect proportions. I don't really endeavor to create 'perfect' characters because I find perfect features tedious. In that location has to exist something unusual about a face to go far interesting. If your characters are too 'perfect', you need to spend some time experimenting with dissimilar ratios and proportions. The best fashion to notice interesting compositions is to report the faces you really find bonny.

@Geeki: Let me know the next time you're in Waterloo. That's in Canada. ;)

@Jazzy Quicksilver: Glad yous liked the commodity. Most people think I call back too much.

@Hannah Langone: Thank you for reading. I've always had difficulty sticking to one topic. :D

Hannah Langone from NY on June 22, 2012:

Very in-depth and well thought out. What I like best nigh this article is that it doesn't only pertain to the video game, just also to our perception of dazzler in the rest of humanity. Very interesting, proceed upwards the great piece of work!

Jazzy Quicksilver from New Jersey, Us on June 21, 2012:

I'll admit, I came into this article thinking this was gonna be shallow as hell. I'll gladly admit I was very wrong. Great commodity dude.

Geeki on June fourteen, 2012:

I would dearest to sit down downwardly with a java or something with you man xD

Skyelou on June 03, 2012:

is in that location whatever more assistance u tin give me on female creation im on ps3 and pc version is unlike 2 consoles

skyrim_ on May 30, 2012:

What are the slider settings for the woods elf?

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on May 09, 2012:

A lot of people feel that style, merely simply as many don't. People put hundreds of hours into this game. You don't need to wear your helmet all the time. :) Plus, some characters don't apply a helmet. I played almost of the game in a hood. Besides, helmets just amend your AC. It's non like not wearing one is going to impale you lot, it only makes gainsay a little harder. Thanks for reading and taking the time to respond.

Notimportant on May 08, 2012:

Wow fifty-fifty though they wait good its pointless if your on console the game demands the use of a helmet just about and that just ruins all the fourth dimension yous spent on the char looks, fun for when your not beingness serious though

j-u-i-c-east (author) from Waterloo, On on May 03, 2012:

Information technology doesn't matter which preset yous start with. The presets are simply different slider settings; all of the presets for a race employ the same head mesh and textures.

For elves, y'all can make the face look less long by making the chin very short and moving the mouth upwards a little. Selection a smaller olfactory organ and move information technology upwardly a niggling to leave room for the mouth. If you move the cheekbones downwards and make them a little wider, you lot can make the face up look a little rounder. Bring the eyebrows together and movement them downwards a fleck (and flatten them) to make the brow more feminine. Of course, the eyebrows depend a lot on the eyes y'all apply. All of these suggestions assume you want a face that is softer and less angular.

Those are the steps I used to make Tabanaryl on my War Baby page. (The link for my website is truancyfactory nether Character Resources to a higher place.)

Daft Punked17 on May 03, 2012:

I am an xbox user and I am trying to brand a immature looking female wood elf but I want to know what present I should start with and some tips on how to practise so, as y'all said elves are hard to create.

j-u-i-c-due east (author) from Waterloo, On on May 03, 2012:

@Jeremiah: If retention serves me correctly, the Nord on the left is ane of the presets. The Nord under Tips and Tricks uses the Nord 2 preset with each of the shape sliders pushed to the eye, and each of the color sliders fix to the far left. I put information technology up to illustrate the first betoken. There are tons (over sixty) characters on my web site with total sliders you can utilize for reference. Follow the link nether the first sidebar: Slider Database.

Jeremiah on May 03, 2012:

Is the Nord on the left nether the heading "Well-Proportioned Faces" totally default without changing whatsoever options?

As well what are the settings for the first screenshot under heading "Tips and Tricks"?

Thanks for all the help and information so far!

j-u-i-c-eastward (author) from Waterloo, On on Apr 30, 2012:

Hm. I've never made whatever video tutorials. I'd have to get a mic and effigy out what I'm doing. Probably won't happen any time soon as I'm pretty swamped as information technology is. If you want to transport me an electronic mail I might be able to assist you with some pointers. But permit me know what yous're having issues with.

Rane on April 29, 2012:

Would it be possible to postal service a video on how to brand some of the ones you have fabricated I'one thousand having problem on certain races

Katrina Masdiana on Apr 06, 2012: work ..i dear Skyrim

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on April 01, 2012:

@bbmc: Glad yous found it useful. :)

bbmc on March 31, 2012:

I was feeling stupid reading this but my nord is so crawly now !

Animeplay on March 28, 2012:

Thanks so much! ;D I'll become attempt it now!

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on March 28, 2012:

@Animeplay: The default textures make all characters look similar they're in their 30s or 40s with the possible exception of Nords. If you have the PC version, you can dl a skin replacer like the ones mentioned in the Beauty Mods section of the article. Without a replacer, the best you can do is pick bigger eyes, fuller lips, and a smaller olfactory organ, shorten the chin, and shorten the jaw height. She won't look like Zelda, she'll look like what Zelda would look like if she grew up in Skyrim.

Animeplay on March 28, 2012:

Hello, uh, I'thou trying to brand my female person woods elf look around the age of 16-25 if that's even possible 'xd I'm going for an elf that looks similar to the Zelda from Twilight Princess. Zelda as in Fable of zelda?

sonnhy on March 27, 2012:

@juice thank you, but i'm on ps3 then i can't utilize mod or change after made him, now i ll try to brand him

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on March 26, 2012:

@sonnhy: If you lot're on PC you can dl younger male skin textures from Skyrim Nexus. (Search: 'younger'.) Short of that, there's non a lot you can do. The youngest looking males however look to exist nigh 30. Older men typically wait more 'jowly' (faux with a college jaw), larger noses, smaller lips, and heavier brows (resulting in smaller eyes). Giving your character the reverse might help.

sonnhy on March 26, 2012:

hey, nice post, how can I make a young (25-30 years) Male person Imperial?

poo on March 06, 2012:

skrim is epic man

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on March 03, 2012:

@Sutami: I haven't actually experimented with the male wood elf presets, yet. It isn't piece of cake making 'good-looking' elves in this game, but I have seen a couple and then I know it's possible. Go on an eye on the War Dogs page (under Custom Characters). I get a lot of requests, just I'll see what I tin exercise. What kind of look are you lot going for?

@Hydro: My commencement characters looked pretty terrible in comparison to what I can do now. Fifty-fifty the ones in this tutorial seem kind of shabby now. Just go on working at it; the more than you practise it, the amend you'll get. The female wood elf is on my State of war Baby folio (it's still being revamped).

Hydro on March 02, 2012:

The wood elf is actually gorgeous. I already started playing the game (Im on console) with my male loftier elf, and after reading this, I feel that my guy is really ugly! :/

Anyway this tutorial is really skillful. Il follow this on my 2d character. :D

Sutami on March 02, 2012:

Hi at that place, really nice piece of work. Do you have any Wood Elf males that you've done? I want to make an attractive one by I can't seem to do it. Cheers in advance.

mcfdj on February 15, 2012:

Nifty page! I accept been trying to recreate this face I plant on Google, and have had no luck. I can't even figure out what race he is. :(


karmin 2 on February 12, 2012:

i use karmin for a name for every game i play lol simply i agree good stuff

Karmin on February 11, 2012:

Good work, very skillful ideas hither. Guys, please exercise non employ my proper name for anything that requires a proper noun. Thanks-Karmin.

Tony from Ohio on February x, 2012:

Very well written. Though I'k happy with my current Skyrim build, I recollect I'll put some of your ideas into practice on my side by side run though.

Very in depth and helpful. Cheers.

CrimsonPhoenix on February 10, 2012:

how did u brand that dark elf!? :O its gorgeous i want one :D

Erik on February 09, 2012:

At that place due south a lot of adept info on beauty hither only what if beauty isn't your outcome, for case my effect is age i play on xbox so i can't use mods what could i do to become my male characters to cease looking so old ive tried every race only nords, bretons , and imperials are my favorite races whatever advice on how i tin stop my characters from looking like old men

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on February 05, 2012:

@Kensai: Texture replacing mods can exercise a lot to help eliminate wrinkles, but for the nearly role how adept your graphic symbol looks depends on how well you understand beefcake. The characters in these screenshots were my early attempts. I think the characters I can make now are fifty-fifty better looking. It'south just a matter of understanding how faces work. The biggest brake in Skyrim has to do with the nose and mouth presets that are available, imo. Some of the characters that I've seen posted online past other players are only phenomenal.

@Senri: I don't think I have that specific gear up available anymore, though I believe I take a modified one (that I remember looks even better). I can dig those up if you desire to send me an email.

Senri on February 04, 2012:

is it possible y'all have anything on the presets of your ork used hither with the ornange eyes, if then plz email me a response

Kensai on February 04, 2012:

Interesting commodity...

When I showtime played Skyrim and got to the graphic symbol cosmos part I practise remember having "Urg! Wha! Gah!" moments when clicking through the grapheme presets... Peculiarly the elven faces.

I recall thinking that wow nearly of the races and character models looked atrocious compared to other games like this, such every bit Mass Effect series, and felt information technology was hard to make pleasant looking characters. I didn't think it would have mattered much, but I judge it did to some level. At least the npc graphic symbol Lydia's face was nicely rendered

I was actually amazed at virtually of the face pictures in this article. They look much better than I would have idea possible in the game.

ecosimon on Jan 28, 2012:

That's some slap-up content on the different characters and looks you can create on Skyrim. I'm currently slashing my style through Skyrim as Conan The Barbarian, with a mod created on Skyrim Nexus.

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on January 06, 2012:

@gazi & Chris & anyone with requests: I'm happy to talk about requests, just click my name and select the contact link to transport me an e-mail with the details. I can't brand whatsoever promises considering the presets don't allow you lot to duplicate many features with whatever precision.

Chris on January 05, 2012:

Tin I commission you to make some characters for me? I volition provide pictures/profiles.

gazi on January 05, 2012:

could yous assistance me make dianna agron face?, preferably something like this pict : , ,

i have tried to make one merely im really unskilled, and i play on ps3 so i can't use those mods, any helps would be appreciated!

j-u-i-c-east (author) from Waterloo, On on December 22, 2011:

@tiger: Actually? I think Skyrim's ane of the most beautiful games I've ever played.

j-u-i-c-e (writer) from Waterloo, On on December 22, 2011:

@TheKraken: Well, there's one: the Orc. "Note: Although I just prove female characters in the screenshots, the exact same principles employ to creating bonny male characters. I am a ameliorate judge of female beauty than male beauty, and find female person faces more interesting to create, then I've stuck with them through most of this tutorial." That's from the blurb at the top. I plan on adding more male examples in the future, though.

TheKraken on Dec 22, 2011:

Why are all the examples women?

j-u-i-c-e (writer) from Waterloo, On on December xiii, 2011:

Thanks, jericho. In that location's a lot more than that could be said about the subject, simply it's a offset.

jericho on December 13, 2011:

this is awesome! very nicely done :)

j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on December 08, 2011:

@John Kolka: Thanks. Writing this was a bear, actually. Took me a lot longer than near of my hubs.

@Gofygure: Sometimes I think I put Also much idea into these things. Thank you.

@JGG: That's true. The characters lucifer the rugged terrain. But they can be cute likewise, like the mountains gleaming in a rosy sunrise. To wax poetic. Thanks for reading.

John Roberts from South Yorkshire, England on December 08, 2011:

Wow, loads of detail and perfectly written. Beautiful isn't something I'd go with - the environments (like Fallout) can exist rugged and ruined at times, and my mucky Nord seems to fit in well.

Fantabulous as ever ^_^

Gofygure on December 08, 2011:

I'm impressed by the amount of thought you put into this. Smashing job!

I somehow managed to make an Argonian who I feel is very pretty, for a lizard lady. :P

John Kolka from Oregon. on December 08, 2011:

Wow man.

Yous took a load of time with this.

Skillful piece of work.

Make My Skyrim Character an Anime Girl



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